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Classroom Rules:
1. Raise your hand to speak
2. Enter and exit prepared
3. Be on task
4. Follow directions the first time given
5. Respect yourself, others, and the classroom
Minor infractions of any rules will result in verbal warnings and loss of dojo points.  After a couple warnings, consequences include detentions, phone calls home, and/or referrals to the principal.
Homework Policy:
All homework assignments should be written in student’s assignment notebook. Students are encouraged to review this before leaving school, so they take home any necessary materials. Homework is expected to be turned in on time. One day late is 20% off of grade earned; second day late is 50% off grade earned; anything else is a zero. The third late/missing assignment per quarter will result in a detention. 
MAKE-UP WORK- Students are to request their work when absent. If they do not, then they are responsible to pick up their missing work from the bulletin board in my room. Make-up work needs to be completed in a timely manner. If students need help or need to make up a test, then they need to arrange to stay after school. ALSO if students are having difficulties keeping up with assignments, please contact me immediately! I wish to see all students grow and succeed!



Grading Scale

A = 100-90
B = 89-80
C = 79-70
D = 69-60
F = 59 & Below
~ Class Dojo ~
In our school, we use a program called Class Dojo to help monitor and reward students for positive  behavior. In 8th grade, the categories that student earn, or possibly lose, points through are:
1. Having homework completed on time.
2. Being on task.
3. Following directions.
4. Being prepared for class. 
To check your child's dojo progress, please click on the link HERE
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